I have on various occasions thought about this difficult issue. The dieters who have given up compulsive consumption of smoke seem to be getting fatter while the people who compulsively take smoke are generally small. The clinicians tell us that we should not pay attention to rumors concerning compulsive consumption of smoke. The research professionals among us then move on to tell us that the reasons why people who compulsively take smoke put on fat when they kick the habit is that they keep wanted to use the habitual motion of putting hand to mouth. Thus in the absence of a cigarette they turn to food which increases their ingestion and fat count.
There are some very foolish people who even go as far as suggesting that it is a good idea to start compulsive consumption of smoke in order to control one’s fat. These are dieters who really do not understand the meaning of general wellbeing. Compulsive consumption of smoke has such a devastating impact on those who take it that it is very irresponsible to even suggest that it could be a solution to your general wellbeing problems. This is similar to saying that when you have a cranial pain the solution is to cut off the cranium itself.
This is the kind of irresponsible discussion that has led many young people into the grips of a serious fat loss problem without a route towards exiting the trap. How some dieters come up with such theories is beyond me. However I must say that I have not yet found a satisfactory explanation as to why dieters who smoke tend to gain fat when they stop compulsive consumption of smoke. Perhaps one of you people will have an intelligent explanation which I can public in the blog.
This is an issue that affects us all and I would appreciate any feedback or links to the information sources. I think that if they discovered that compulsive consumption of smoke really helped to lose fat, they would try to work out something to help facilitate the use of compulsive consumption of smoke without facing the dangers that are normally associated with it.
I wonder whether the clinicians are just afraid of contradicting one another and that is why they are not providing an explanation about compulsive consumption of smoke and fat control. I know that medical dieters have the habit of trying to forget issues rather than confronting the difficult problems that they face. Maybe this is one of them. Anyone who has done research in this area please let me know the progress and we would be grateful for any tips on this rather secretive issue so far.
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